“There is so much tension inside of us that we’re really not aware of.” – Ann Hince
“Understand the impact of being present” – Inger Nordin
“You can’t publish a book you haven’t written.” – Chandler Bolt
“Do not let anyone at all tell you that you are not worthwhile” – Teri Brown
“When I help others, I feel a little piece of me heals each time.” – Janae Sergio
“The world needs holistic people.” - Dr. Phillip Mountrose
“Go out and see the world or at least start something you’ve been wanting to do for a long time.” - Lex Latkovski
What can I do to make this a more efficient process and reach the customers that need my products?
Don’t stop writing.
“The thoughts you have, the words you choose, and the decisions you make daily will impact the outcome of your life.” - Dr. Agatha Sylwia Today’s featured bonus author is Dr. Agatha Sylwia. Dr. Agatha and I have a chat about ...
“Sharing my story is a way of being in service to others because story is medicine.” - Dr. Kristy Vanacore
“Not being yourself but pretending to be someone else kills your self-esteem.” - Steve Friedman
“Consider the context in all of your communication.” - Christopher Pellegrini
“The work you do on the inside of yourself is going to have a profound effect not only on your inner being and your happiness but on your success in the outside world.” – Lynnda Pollio
“Live your life leading with love.” – Kristina Rienzi