“You are more original than you think you are.” – Ken Lizotte
“You are a lot more fortunate than everybody in the cemetery.” - Joe De Sena
"I knew that if in that darkest moment, if I was going to be kept alive, there was a reason for it, and I knew life wasn't going to be what it had always been, it wasn't going to be this painful thing.” – Amanda Blackwood
“Being a caregiver is somewhat like being Sherlock Holmes, being a detective and having to figure out and through the process of elimination, narrowed down what's bothering them, what they need or what they want.” – Lisa Skinner
"Grief is love and when it's really love, it doesn't go away just because somebody dies." - Emily Thiroux Threatt
Have fun and be determined.
"Sometimes you get the result you want and sometimes you get the result you need to learn your lesson." – Regina Huber
“Even with business stuff, we have to listen to our gut just as much as we do when we're writing.” – Amy Wallen
“Human beings, as much as we say we evolve in many ways, we make the same mistakes over and over and over again with history repeating itself.” – Oksana Kukurudza
“All of us have experiences and challenges. The baggage and drama are optional. It's all in how you choose to look at your life.” – Clay Boatright
"I truly had a radical healing by a radical God." - Sharon Hughes
"The way that you feel right now is not the way that you're going to feel forever." - Cristina Ramirez
“All the power that you need, all the confidence, all the badassery that you need to live your most best life, your most confident life, your most powerful life is already within you." - Jennifer Cassetta
“Worrying is a down payment on a problem you may never have.” – Allison Graham
“No matter where you feel, what you feel, where you feel you're sitting at right now, you are amazing.” - Kim Lengling