"A lot of leaders do not like to share the truth, even when it hurts. But I found that it's most beneficial if you just let people know the honest truth, even if it hurts." - Roy Nassau
"Anything that helps your heart will help your brain." - Marianne Sciucco
“Every question is like an invitation to find something in myself I've never found before.” – Catherine Llewellyn
“Show up as who you were created to be.” – Teresa Velardi
"Don't be afraid to shine, and don't be afraid to get your book out there and let it make a difference in people's lives." - Kim Thompson-Pinder
"We can all head that direction (north) and every day you just take one step towards the life you want to live." – Andy Vargo
"It's very fulfilling to be there for others and to help others in whatever it is that you're good at, whatever it is that sparks you. If you can find a way to use that to be there for others, it's a twofer.” - Marinda Dennis
“Bad things happen to good people, but it's really how you deal with that adversity and overcome it.” - G.S. Gerry
"Fear kills fun." – Mike Montague
"Equality in the realm of relationships is the kiss of death.” - Andre Paradis
"True love is willing to sit down and have an honest and diplomatic conversation about what you're actually feeling and thinking." - Angeline M. Hart
“Ultimately, we're put on the earth to get along with each other. It ultimately betters our experience and the experience of those around us." – John Willkom
“This is why we got into teaching, to help people who want to do something good beyond themselves, not just make money, but do something good beyond themselves.” - Nancy K. Napier, PhD
“This earthly walk we're on is not for the faint of heart. And, you know, not always the easiest, softer way. I think I'm going to read the fine print when I come in next time.” – Susan Gold
"Life gets really boring if you don't challenge yourself to try something new." – Rod Bourn