“There's never a defined time when you can start something new.” – Farah Flisher
“The things you need to stop doing are more impactful in your life than the things that you need to start doing.” – Dominic "Slice" Teich
"It's not just fear of failure that's holding people back, it's the blame that happens afterwards." – Dustin Staiger
"Once I changed my relationship with myself, from not liking who I was to accepting and changing what didn't work for me, it changed my relationships with everyone else." – Martin Salama
“Books are such a powerful thing. Whether it's nonfiction or fiction, it's a way of seeing into the universe that you wouldn't have seen before.” – Zoë Routh
"You don't regret the things that you did; you regret the things you never did.” – Magda Kay
“When you can love yourself, that love is the gift and the treasure you never ever let go.” - Dr. Kyomi O’Connor
“You are worth every single minute you put into yourself and your health” – Pam Sherman
“Through drumming, I found my voice in many different ways.” – Clementine Moss
"Working hard and really putting in the effort and training yourself to be what you want to be can yield the results that you want." – Steph Katzovi
“It's important for kids to see themselves in books they read.” – Tonya Duncan Ellis
Trust yourself more.
“Email is still king in terms of getting a hold of people. Second only to texting a person on their personal phone number…if you're giving somebody your email address, that means you're serious about what they've got, and that's a responsibility that people need to take very seriously.” - Stephanie…
"Your story might be the lifeline someone out there needs." – Tyler Wittkofsky
"When our thoughts fail us, when those stories and beliefs get in our way, principles serve as a bright beautiful light that helps to guide our journey along the way." – Mary Katherine Morales