“I promised myself during that moment when I wasn't really sure if I was going to make it or not. I thought to myself, you know, if I make this out alive, then I have to write a book about it.” – Dr. Momoko Uno
“When you ignore your heart, you get yourself in trouble. If you listen to your heart, it will lead you to where you're supposed to be.” – Susan Glenney
“Spend your days focusing on what's needed, not what's normal.” – Erin Hatzikostas
“It's never a failure if you keep learning from what you have done before. They're all just learning opportunities that we all have.” – Randy Adkins Jr., DTM
“You are the boss of you. Do everything you can to be successful. If you fall down, get back up and keep stacking victories.” – Rich LaMonica
"Inner wealth Is so much more important than the outer wealth. The outer wealth will be a byproduct of loving yourself and extending the same unconditional love that God gives us." – Julia Carlson
“Amazon really did solve a lot of problems for my family, so I’m a big believer it can solve problems for a lot of other families too.” – Lesley Hensell
“What I learned about myself was that I could actually do it.” – Beth Pellino-Dudzic
“If you focus so much in life on just trying to make a living, you wake up and retire and realize you haven't lived at all.” – Cliff Beach
"Trust that you are worthy to be seen." – Dr. Nicole Janz
“When things are in your head, you're thinking about them. You know, you come to conclusions about things, but when it's outside of you and you're looking at it, it becomes more objective.” – Dana Diaz
"People who secure the skills to provide for themselves online will find themselves deeper inside of life than they could’ve been at a desk." – Kayla Ihrig
“People always get impressed by the feat of writing a book, but they don't think about the love of it. Love can make it less daunting.” – Itua Uduebo
“Being forced to talk to other people allowed me to find this other part of myself that I didn't know existed.” – Kirsten Rudberg
"Know thyself and get thyself the hell out of the way." – Louise Mowbray