“Writing and speaking go hand in hand. If you write well, you’re going to get speaking opportunities. If you speak well, you’re going to get writing opportunities.” – Rick Chromey
“Slow down to the speed of connection.” – David Wood
“To become invincible is to have hope.” – Cecilia Rankin
“Titles don’t mean anything. Actions mean everything.” – Shawn Nason
Take care of your body and it will take care of you.
“Money is the number one excuse human beings give for anything we can’t have, do, or be.” – Morgana Rae
“You can’t get to the next place with the same connections you have today.” – Kym Glass
“IQ gets you in the door. EQ gets you up the ladder.” – Dr. Irvine Nugent
“Adulting is overrated.” - Gregory Erich Phillips
“We need to treat ourselves like someone we love.” – Pamela Gort
“The richest information is where you ask.” - Carole Stizza
“Work aggressively but be patient.” - Connor Judson Garrett
“Re-evaluate and question your truth. Don’t fall into the trap of believing the truth other people have told you.” - Mischelle O’Neal
“When I train people, my job is to make it too expensive for them to go to work anymore.” – Tom Antion
“Give yourself the gift of solitude to masterfully serve the multitude.” – Dom Brightmon