"Technology has changed so much that the gatekeepers are no more. There's nothing stopping people from writing a book except themselves." – Christopher Greyson
“One of the things I've learned over the years is how to delegate, how to say no because when you're a doer, you get asked to do more, and we really need to be bold to say no.” – Ben Glass
“I always thought maybe I just wasn’t the kind of person that was made to get things done. But after starting, persevering, and publishing, I know that I’m the kind of person to get it done.” – Kim Mosiman
“Own where you are at the moment.” – J.R. Martinez
“When I talk about wanting the characters to come alive, I'm really wanting to show people how to take care of their soul, heart, mind and decision making.” – Dr. Lisa Dorsey
“Fear has no place within a civilized mind.” – Laura Brennan Ballet
"Self-care is both daily and doable." – Janice McWilliams
"It's okay to write what scares you." – Rachel Thompson
“I share our story so that this hopefully never happens to another family. I'd like to raise awareness, and I don't think that we can learn without sharing stories.” – Betsy Gall
“We are spiritual beings having a human experience, and we must live more harmoniously with the earth.” – L.T. Bourne
“You should always be going towards something, not running away from something. Running away is fear-driven; going towards is more self-driven.” – Scott Maderer
“Most of what writers do is out of love of it. We love creating. We love telling stories. So, to cut that out of the human experience, I think is sort of sad.” – Alison McBain
“Women need to share their stories with other women, and women need to share their stories with men because often men don't understand our journey. We just come to work and smile and do what we have to do, but we could be hurting underneath.” – Dr. Elizabeth Carter
"Stop believing your feelings and believe your intuition instead." – Joanna Armstrong
“I realized that I'm stronger than I thought I was, more resilient than I believed, and even though life brings me down, I'm still here and still smiling.” – Cathelina Duvert