“This is why we got into teaching, to help people who want to do something good beyond themselves, not just make money, but do something good beyond themselves.” - Nancy K. Napier, PhD
“This earthly walk we're on is not for the faint of heart. And, you know, not always the easiest, softer way. I think I'm going to read the fine print when I come in next time.” – Susan Gold
"Writing groups have been a great way to improve my writing and get feedback. It really helps to have a deadline and fellow writers to hold you accountable." – Kimberly Sullivan
"Life gets really boring if you don't challenge yourself to try something new." – Rod Bourn
"Don't allow fear to dictate your output." - Bridget Cook-Burch
"Our heart is our GPS system." - Tracey Whittet
“I was inspired to write this children's book that I didn't come up with…God sent it to me as an answer to my own prayers.” – Colleen Faul
“If you want to lead people. If you want people to buy into you, you have to have a strong sense of identity.” - Tom Kereszti
Acting can serve you in real life.
“If you're having a bad day, just have a great conversation. It costs nothing and anyone can do it." - Robin Dreeke
“If you want to be a writer, you just have to write. If you want to be an artist, you just have to make art. If you want to be a singer, sing. We can find our passions and we can do what we want to do.” - JoAnna Baanana
“Figure out what your passion is and live that passion. Your passions will change but embrace them.” – Scott White
“Honor the environment that you’re in.” - Katherine Lazaruk
“Working on yourself is badass.” - Dr. Jodie Eckleberry-Hunt
"We have focused too much these days on instant success, like it's supposed to just happen, and it's supposed to be so easy, and it's just sort of like lightning just sort of strikes. And the plain fact is, it's mostly a lot of hard work." - Mari Anne Snow