“If the bugs don’t want to eat it, I definitely don’t want to eat it.” - Dr. Rachelle Simpson Sweet
“Restaurants are not in business to make you healthy; restaurants are in business to have you come back again and spend more with them.” - Lynne Bowman
It’s okay if you need to ask for help.
“Embrace the way your body communicates.” - Gina Lobito
“There are no new stories and sometimes that’s hard to hear. What is original and what is unique is your voice.” - Tracee Garner
“Story is our greatest tool and our greatest gift that we give other people.” – Jim Barnard
“The clearer your dream, the clearer you must go for it.” – Sylvie Plante
“Love is the weapon of mass illumination.” – Teza Lord
“Knowledge fertilizes the mind to think and create.” – Donna Maltz
“My daily rituals awaken me to what's possible.” – Donna Maltz
“There is so much tension inside of us that we’re really not aware of.” – Ann Hince
“The world needs holistic people.” - Dr. Phillip Mountrose
Realize your destiny.
“If you’re trying to half-do two things, you’re not going to do either thing really well.” – Holly Worton
“Whenever you remind someone of their value, you increase your own value.” - Dr. Joseph Shrand