“Think of how many jobs the internet created that didn't exist 30 years ago. Web designer…there's so many jobs now, and it's going to be the same with AI, there are going to be so many different jobs developed to merge with and move forward with AI that, I mean, we haven't even conceptualized becau…
"You don't know who needs to hear what you've written." – Stephanie Feger
“Every breakthrough I've ever had in my whole life came from effective communication.” – Aurora Winter
"Storytelling helps the data go down." – Park Howell
“For her to stand out that much, to be mentioned in mostly a patriarchal view of that time, she had to be exceptional. She had to be courageous and strong and intelligent and dynamic to make an impression on these people that have lasted for 2,000 years.” - Donna D. Conrad
"The process of writing was very therapeutic for me. I'm a busy person, always doing, doing, doing, and when I was writing, I was in this place of meditation." - Dr. Audrey Birnbaum
"Detours are not dead ends." – Annie Meehan
"Sometimes it's not what you say, it's just being there." - June Kraholik Collins
"When you start to write, you're almost opening up this magic chest, gaining access to different parts of your brain that may not be available to you when you're speaking." - Lâle Davidson
"I just started writing and next thing you know I have a manuscript in front of me." - Marianna Buffolino
“Start doing things and figure out what it is that you want to do that leans into your creativity.” – Rella B.
"I'm only positive because I got knocked down so hard a few different times in my life.” – Kate McKay
"Fantasy is really healthy for the imagination…it allows people to escape and allows them to think of something different.” – Cyndi Brec
“Writing your story is an incredibly empowering act." – Alison Wearing
"We are sending an image of ourselves through our words." - Erin Lebacqz