“Make your dream part of your schedule.” – Kelly Hopkins
“If the world stopped for every single time somebody passed, the world will never spin.” - James Ruvalcaba
“Writing is visualizing.” – Wendy Scheuring
“Allow your interests to evolve.” – Dr. Ian Brooks
“Focus on producing a work of quality that will stand the test of time.” - Marilyn Kriete
“Adulting is overrated.” - Gregory Erich Phillips
“Work aggressively but be patient.” - Connor Judson Garrett
“If you’re persistent you’ll get it, and if you're consistent you’ll keep it.” – Katrina Roddy
“Typos are like mushrooms. They grow overnight.” – Olivia Wylie
“It’s really hard to do it all yourself.” – W.L. Hawkin
Allow yourself to be flexible in your writing journey.
“I want each book to be better than the last one.” – Rachael Tamayo
“Write what you know. Write what you know well.” – Jerry Harwood
“Write as boldly as you can and don’t worry about what people will think.” – Tosca Lee
“Worrying will get you absolutely nowhere.” – Hank Phillippi Ryan