“You can turn any story into a comic and it’s just a stone’s throw away from film.” - Morgan Quaid
“Let your nerd flag fly.” - J. Lynn Else
“Make sure your ideas are worthwhile.” – Robin Landa
“Businesses that are inspired and well thought out, those succeed. Businesses that you think about and are just ideas in your head usually fall apart.” – Vickie Helm
Listen to your inner voice.
“Be open to exploring and not overplanning.” - Carrie Carter
“Fear is one of the greatest barriers that we have.” – Shiva Kumar
“People love people who are good listeners.” – Sarah Elkins
“We can be more, do more, and give more.” – Delpha Clarke
“Humor is my drug of choice.” – Liz Alterman
“Your voice makes a difference.” - Eliana Gilad
“Keep going and don’t stop because you don’t know where you’re going to land.” - Pennie Crockett
“Diversify your ideas.” – Violet Lemay
“Don’t wish away whatever stage of life you are in.” – Crystal Gilbert
“When you try to help everyone, you just help yourself right out of business.” - Tonya Eberhart