“Grief is a process, but it is not permanent.” - Portia Booker
Instead of growing into who you want to be, pull out that person you want to be.
“Before you participate in anything, do your research.” - Susan McCeldry
“If you have a secret your whole life and you’ve been threatened to never share it, it’s almost like you lose your voice and in that, you lose yourself.” – Cindy Benezra
Be bold and continuously get better at your craft.
“If you don’t like what’s going on in your life, rather than looking to blame other people, look inward instead of outward.” - Joffre McClung
Explore more and don’t get sidetracked by the artificial.
“When a person discovers who they are, they have to know that every stage of life has a different mission.” – David Green
“We all have helping superpowers.” – Kim Hamer
Breathe and believe in yourself.
“You don’t have to impact a lot of people to impact a lot of people.” – Merit Kahn
When you teach, you’re often leaning more than your students.
“Grieving is the most difficult human task that we do.” – Susie Hayes
“Let go of things that don’t matter.” – Jim Larsen
“Don’t focus on the mistakes. Focus on moving forward.” – Kelly Bandas