“Own where you are at the moment.” – J.R. Martinez
“Fear has no place within a civilized mind.” – Laura Brennan Ballet
"Self-care is both daily and doable." – Janice McWilliams
"It's okay to write what scares you." – Rachel Thompson
“I share our story so that this hopefully never happens to another family. I'd like to raise awareness, and I don't think that we can learn without sharing stories.” – Betsy Gall
“You should always be going towards something, not running away from something. Running away is fear-driven; going towards is more self-driven.” – Scott Maderer
“Women need to share their stories with other women, and women need to share their stories with men because often men don't understand our journey. We just come to work and smile and do what we have to do, but we could be hurting underneath.” – Dr. Elizabeth Carter
“Spend your days focusing on what's needed, not what's normal.” – Erin Hatzikostas
“It's never a failure if you keep learning from what you have done before. They're all just learning opportunities that we all have.” – Randy Adkins Jr., DTM
"Inner wealth Is so much more important than the outer wealth. The outer wealth will be a byproduct of loving yourself and extending the same unconditional love that God gives us." – Julia Carlson
"Trust that you are worthy to be seen." – Dr. Nicole Janz
“When things are in your head, you're thinking about them. You know, you come to conclusions about things, but when it's outside of you and you're looking at it, it becomes more objective.” – Dana Diaz
“Being forced to talk to other people allowed me to find this other part of myself that I didn't know existed.” – Kirsten Rudberg
"Know thyself and get thyself the hell out of the way." – Louise Mowbray
"I learned that I can literally do anything that I put my mind to, but I can't do everything, and I had to be okay with that." – Chloe Panta