“Even when we're closed-minded, we should never stop being open-hearted.” – Justin Jones-Fosu
“Pursue your dreams. Don’t allow anyone, not even yourself, to take that away from you.” – Dr. Michael D. Finkley
“Conflict is creativity.” – Kat Newport
“You can't avoid the tough stuff, but there's always a lesson in it.” – Maggie Mills
“Our loved ones love to let us know that they're still very much with us. They're just in another form, in another dimension. We can still very much get proof that we're not alone.” – Melissa Oatman
"At the end of your life, are you going to say, 'Wow, this is my last breath and that was spectacular,' or are you going to look back and go, 'Damn, I missed it'?" – Damion Lupo
“At any stage in your life, you have the power to rewrite your story.” – Jamila Cassim
“If you want to be something, become it.” – Jenny Teeters
“Go for your dreams because your needs are necessary for this world and this universe to expand and become all that it can be.” – Victoria Gallagher
“Can you extend a hand and help someone? Because that is truly what I believe our purpose here is—to just help each other so that we can all not just survive but thrive.” – PJ Victor
“I don’t think you have to sacrifice your confidence, or your wit, or your intelligence, or God forbid your masculinity at the door simply because you're being fun and gregarious.” – Scot McKay
“Clarity is an elimination game.” – Murielle Marie Ungricht
"Do what you love, and it will always come across as your true passion." – Riana Milne
"Technology has changed so much that the gatekeepers are no more. There's nothing stopping people from writing a book except themselves." – Christopher Greyson
“One of the things I've learned over the years is how to delegate, how to say no because when you're a doer, you get asked to do more, and we really need to be bold to say no.” – Ben Glass