“It takes work, but it works.” - Dr. Nancy Stella
“The greatness we see in others is really just the greatness we have in ourselves.” – Kelly Trach
“When we’re in a time of compression and struggle, that’s a time when God opens His heart and ideas to us so that we can more deeply connect with God.” – Julie Renee Doering
“Everyone has a creative spark inside of them.” - Dr. Farah Jasmine Griffin
“We need solutions. We don’t need kinda sortas.” – Adam C. Hall
“Legitimate journalism still exists.” – Tyler Hendon
“There are so many different possibilities a book can create when you become a published author. Especially a bestselling author.” - Vikrant Shaurya
“The people who carry happy money are generally nice, generous, happy people.” – Ken Honda
You are smarter than you think you are and asking questions is the best way to learn.
“Every day has meaning.” – Darci Steiner
“Listen deeply and listen to connect because most of your success or failure depends on the quality of your relationships.” – Frank Zaccari
Be compassionate to others and have a well of grace for ourselves.
“We’re here to collaborate and complement, not compete.” – Genesis Amaris Kemp
“The dream does not include 4 hours of television per day.” - Hayk Tadevosyan
“Listen to the call of your authentic self.” - Myriam Ben Salem