“Great communication and great connection produces a greater level of intimacy.” - LaQuita Monley
“When you go for your dream, we’re not just doing it for ourselves. We’re doing it to show other people it’s possible.” - Barry Nicolaou
“Deep down we’re all the same. We all want the same things. We all want to be validated. We want to be heard. We want to be respected. We want to be loved and treated with kindness.” – Melisa Caprio
Listen to your heart.
Allow yourself to say no to things.
“Own your accomplishments.” – Mary Guirovich
Businesses don’t turn into unicorns when you hit 7-figures.
“If we’re feeling empowered, we can help the people around us.” – Jenny Mannion
“Whatever God puts you through is designed to help you grow and become a better person.” - Margaret Agard Today’s featured award-winning author is mom, wife, Christian mystic, former high-tech industry executive, and Reiki Le...
“If I keep a strong vision ahead of me, I can overcome.” - Paul Henderson
“Anybody that has a desire to write can write a good book with the right guidance.” - Michele Chynoweth
“You have a choice at how you look at any given day.” – Phil Barth
“We all have some power, we have different gifts, and we are meant to explore them.” – Jennifer Alemany
“We’re very ill-equipped in grief.” – Victoria Volk
“Take your time with decisions.” – Donna Wayles