“Story is our greatest tool and our greatest gift that we give other people.” – Jim Barnard
“Make space for the things that matter.” – Daniel Sih
“Love is the weapon of mass illumination.” – Teza Lord
“Slow down and need less.” – Gv Freeman
“There is so much tension inside of us that we’re really not aware of.” – Ann Hince
“Do not let anyone at all tell you that you are not worthwhile” – Teri Brown
“The world needs holistic people.” - Dr. Phillip Mountrose
“Sharing my story is a way of being in service to others because story is medicine.” - Dr. Kristy Vanacore
“The work you do on the inside of yourself is going to have a profound effect not only on your inner being and your happiness but on your success in the outside world.” – Lynnda Pollio
Focus on getting 1% better every day!
“How’s God not going to root for the guy that wants to lead people to Him and help hurting people.” – Michael Towers
“Excellence honors God and inspires people. Mediocrity does neither.” - Rev. Dr. William Attaway
“If you’re trying to half-do two things, you’re not going to do either thing really well.” – Holly Worton
“Vague requests give you vague results.” - Benjamin H.S. Scott Jr.
“Be still in the storm because that is where we are reborn.” - Shundrey Patterson