“All the power that you need, all the confidence, all the badassery that you need to live your most best life, your most confident life, your most powerful life is already within you." - Jennifer Cassetta
“Worrying is a down payment on a problem you may never have.” – Allison Graham
“No matter where you feel, what you feel, where you feel you're sitting at right now, you are amazing.” - Kim Lengling
“Guard your hearing jealously.” - Wayne Altman
"Make a courageous decision to live your life to the fullest. You're the only one who can make that choice." – Clint Hatton
"When we own what's unique about us, it really helps us see what other people are good at without the confidence-killing effects of compare and despair." - Kelli Rae Thompson
"Don't be afraid to shine, and don't be afraid to get your book out there and let it make a difference in people's lives." - Kim Thompson-Pinder
"Wellness is a topic that deserves a lot of conversation and I think sometimes it's either taken for granted or we just don't know the right steps to take. Our mental wellness, our physical wellness, our spiritual wellness is critical.” - Carolyn Lebanowski
"We can all head that direction (north) and every day you just take one step towards the life you want to live." – Andy Vargo
"It's very fulfilling to be there for others and to help others in whatever it is that you're good at, whatever it is that sparks you. If you can find a way to use that to be there for others, it's a twofer.” - Marinda Dennis
“Ultimately, we're put on the earth to get along with each other. It ultimately betters our experience and the experience of those around us." – John Willkom
“This earthly walk we're on is not for the faint of heart. And, you know, not always the easiest, softer way. I think I'm going to read the fine print when I come in next time.” – Susan Gold
"Life gets really boring if you don't challenge yourself to try something new." – Rod Bourn
"Don't allow fear to dictate your output." - Bridget Cook-Burch
Acting can serve you in real life.