"Luck is the ability to take the correct action in an opportunity." - Victoria M. Gallagher
“We wanted to do something that created a personal impact for women and men, and that's where our book kind of bloomed out of.” – Lisa Cox
“The things you need to stop doing are more impactful in your life than the things that you need to start doing.” – Dominic "Slice" Teich
"Once I changed my relationship with myself, from not liking who I was to accepting and changing what didn't work for me, it changed my relationships with everyone else." – Martin Salama
“You are worth every single minute you put into yourself and your health” – Pam Sherman
“It's selfish if you don't become the best version of you for other people.” – Kevin Dupree
"Your story might be the lifeline someone out there needs." – Tyler Wittkofsky
"When our thoughts fail us, when those stories and beliefs get in our way, principles serve as a bright beautiful light that helps to guide our journey along the way." – Mary Katherine Morales
“You are more original than you think you are.” – Ken Lizotte
“You are a lot more fortunate than everybody in the cemetery.” - Joe De Sena
"I knew that if in that darkest moment, if I was going to be kept alive, there was a reason for it, and I knew life wasn't going to be what it had always been, it wasn't going to be this painful thing.” – Amanda Blackwood
"Sometimes you get the result you want and sometimes you get the result you need to learn your lesson." – Regina Huber
“Even with business stuff, we have to listen to our gut just as much as we do when we're writing.” – Amy Wallen
"I truly had a radical healing by a radical God." - Sharon Hughes
"The way that you feel right now is not the way that you're going to feel forever." - Cristina Ramirez