"Life gets really boring if you don't challenge yourself to try something new." – Rod Bourn
“If you want to lead people. If you want people to buy into you, you have to have a strong sense of identity.” - Tom Kereszti
“If you're having a bad day, just have a great conversation. It costs nothing and anyone can do it." - Robin Dreeke
“Honor the environment that you’re in.” - Katherine Lazaruk
"Calm is a superpower.” – Robin Sacks
“Let your growth be a lighthouse for others.” – Dominique “Dom” Brightmon
"The quality of your life is going to be determined by the quality of questions that you ask." - Dr. Zayd Abdul-Karim
"If you've seen someone have success, then that's the greatest indicator that you can have it too." - Hilary DeCesare
"Service to many leads to greatness." - Blaine Oelkers
"Each person is gift-wrapped for the world." – Dea Irby
"The more you can make it easy for people, the more likely people are to do it." - Julia Goldstein, PhD
“Kids rise or fall based on your expectation." - Dr. Danny Brassell
"Being unique and authentic comes with a price." – Kelly Swanson
"Just like in marriage, scorekeeping is not the way to go about life." – Chris Tuff
“Motion creates momentum.” – Len Tran