“Even though you woke up today, you’re not promised to live out the rest of this day.” – Darius Bradley Sr.
“Getting rid of stuff can help you grow.” – Chris Lovett
“You don’t do inclusion, you create inclusion.” – Annemarie Shrouder
“Our healing and our ability to move forward is in having the hard conversation.” – Dr. Brad Johnson
“Have ready access to forgiveness, compassion, and grace.” – Darcy Luoma
“Sometimes you get laid off, but you can also be lifted up.” – Tiana Sanchez
“You don’t suck, you’re just stuck.” – Traci Duez
“Allow your interests to evolve.” – Dr. Ian Brooks
“Writing and speaking go hand in hand. If you write well, you’re going to get speaking opportunities. If you speak well, you’re going to get writing opportunities.” – Rick Chromey
“Slow down to the speed of connection.” – David Wood
“Titles don’t mean anything. Actions mean everything.” – Shawn Nason
“IQ gets you in the door. EQ gets you up the ladder.” – Dr. Irvine Nugent
“Give yourself the gift of solitude to masterfully serve the multitude.” – Dom Brightmon
“It’s such an important thing to give leaders the opportunity to be successful.” – Stacey Ashley
“Whatever you create, make it good art because somebody is going to find it and somebody is going to fall in love with it.” – Terry Shepherd