"I was meant to be given this gift to share for others to heal. My challenge was cancer, but everybody has a challenge, whether it's death, divorce, changing careers, disease, and it's all meant for our own healing.” – Jennifer Greenhut
“Connect you to all of you.” - Janell Warkentin
“It doesn't have to take a long time. You just have to address the right problem in the right way.” - Mandy Barbee Lanier
The controllables are a big thing that people stress over. Focus less on the things that you have zero control over.
“You can't win with everybody, but you can win with yourself, so why not bet on you?” – Karin Freeland
“Writing your story is an incredibly empowering act." – Alison Wearing
"Introvert is not a get out of jail free card to avoid hearing your voice, nor is it just a more academic-sounding vocabulary word as a synonym for shy." - Dr. Laura Sicola
"We are sending an image of ourselves through our words." - Erin Lebacqz
“We wanted to do something that created a personal impact for women and men, and that's where our book kind of bloomed out of.” – Lisa Cox
“As a writer, if you want to have a book published, you really need to decide and go with that choice of 'I'm going to make this happen.’” – Caroline Fernandez
“The things you need to stop doing are more impactful in your life than the things that you need to start doing.” – Dominic "Slice" Teich
"It's not just fear of failure that's holding people back, it's the blame that happens afterwards." – Dustin Staiger
“If you want to go further, you go together. And that's around giving people the opportunity to not just have a seat at the table, but a voice in the room.” - Velma Knowles
“Morning pages saved my writing life.” - Liz Mugavero
“You are worth every single minute you put into yourself and your health” – Pam Sherman