"As human beings, it's our responsibility to help each other. It's not a choice, it's a responsibility.” – Dr. Amani Ballour
"How can it hurt me if I start pouring positive feelings and positive emotion into my life? If I start a practice that acknowledges there's a part of me that's bigger, deeper, wider, and just really wants to blossom." - Summer McStravick
“Sometimes it's not about fixing it, even as a healer. It's just about listening and being that nonjudgmental space.” – Lisa Erickson
"Respect needs to become a required standard in all homes." – Sabrina Osso
“Don't carry into tomorrow the things that have hurt you and weighed you down for today. Learn, take from it what you need, but let the rest go. You're too precious and too valuable to have your back broken by burdens you are not meant to bear." – Katherine Norland
“Everything happens for us. We can either choose to become a victim of it, or we can choose to rise up." - Dawn Bates
"Contemplative thought is the key to solving really hard problems, and you cannot rush that." – John Rossman
"When you start to write, you're almost opening up this magic chest, gaining access to different parts of your brain that may not be available to you when you're speaking." - Lâle Davidson
“Fat is God's most amazing fuel source.” – Dr. Cody Golman, D.C.
"You are far more powerful than you've been told. We have a sense of powerlessness now…I just want you to know that this power, which is usually denied by authority figures, is something you were born with." - Lynne McTaggart
"You don't have to make big leaps to build confidence." – Sheena Yap Chan
"Live the best life you can, then give it all away. We're called here to live a life that is more than just our own." - Ahmard Vital
"Even when things are not going right in your life, when they're going totally left and they're hard, it's still important for us to show up well and to be kind to others." - Dr. Lynita Mitchell-Blackwell
"Be in the driver's seat when it comes to molding your career." – Venchele Saint Dic
“You have to create an undying, almost unrealistic belief in yourself.” – Eliot Marshall