“Make sure every day is a day you move forward purposefully.” – Dawn Offei Today’s featured author is a fellow certified leadership trainer with the John Maxwell Team and The World's #1 Ultimate Retention Training Expert, Dawn Offei....
“Focus on what creates excellence in your world.” - Mike Carr Today’s featured author is father, husband, financial services veteran, and the 2020 World Champion of Public Speaking, Mike Carr. Mike and I talk about his preparation process for...
“One of the reasons why I love to travel so much is because it’s easy for me to think I’ve got it right but then when I travel, the world around me says, “Well, maybe your right but these answers here work too in their own way.” – Devin...
“Do not let your blackness be a deterrent to success. Let your blackness be an impetus to success.” – Peter E. Carter Today’s featured author is a retired educator and award-winning school educational leader, Peter E. Carter. Peter and...
“It’s important that we can come together through stories to receive support, inspiration, and have a laugh or two.” – Rev. Ariel Patricia Today’s featured bestselling author is book publisher, former Sergeant in the US Marines,...
“You can be immortal if you create things that people can consume.” - Jerry Franklin Poe
“As humans, we’re dying for connection and we’re constantly seeking something outside of ourselves to find it.” – Alison Haase Today’s bonus featured author is former bodybuilder, entrepreneur, and recovery warrior, Alison Haase....
“Underneath every scar that we bear lives a story meant to shared.” - Loren Michaels Harris Today’s bonus featured author is Professional Speaker, Foster Care/Adoption Advocate, Columnist, Recording Artist and Award-winning show host, Loren...
Relationships matter more than hard work alone when it comes to career advancement. Today’s featured author is speaker, Coach, and Success Strategist for Ambitious Women, Velera Wilson. Velera and I talk about owning your self-confidence,...
Always keep mental health in mind, especially as an entrepreneur. Today’s featured bestselling author is professional speaker, entrepreneur, and former financial advisor, Rachel Richards. Rachel and I talk about how she is financially staying...
“Living on purpose doesn’t happen by accident.” – Ryan Stanley Today’s featured author is a fellow self-leadership expert, life coach for musicians, father, husband, and speaker, Ryan Stanley. Ryan and I talk about his newest book,...
“Confidence comes from what we do, say and think every day.” – Tami Matheny Today’s featured bestselling author is Mental Game Coach, avid sports enthusiast, and Jon Gordon Certified Trainer, Tami Matheny. Tami and I talk about becoming...
“Conflict does not tend to dissipate the more air you give it. It tends to linger and permeate your culture because people see the lack of consequences, they see what behavior is tolerated and they see what behavior is rewarded.” – Claire...
“You’re the only person that’s in the way of you.” – Eddie Thomason Today’s featured bestselling author is fellow podcast host, motivational speaker, father, and husband, Eddie Thomason. Eddie and I have a high-energy chat about...
“Stillness creates momentum.” – Meagan Fettes Today’s featured international best-selling author is yoga teacher, High-Level Business Development Coach, and Speaker, Meagan Fettes. Meagan and I talk about what can bring you joy, how she...