“A word can change everything in your moment, and it can make you go from disempowered to empowered.” – Mary E. Jackson
“Write what you know. Write what you know well.” – Jerry Harwood
“With technology, things are changing so fast that the skills and knowledge you had even a month ago may not be enough for you to do the job today or tomorrow.” – Andrew Freedman
“All students and families are looking for the same three things. And what that is, is to feel respected, accepted, and admired.” – Andrea Bitner
“Most of our life is created from the thoughts we don’t hear.” - Dr. Alison J. Kay
“Write as boldly as you can and don’t worry about what people will think.” – Tosca Lee
“Music has so much to do with familiarity.” - Melanie Safka
Step out of your comfort zone and embrace your magical personal growth journey.
“It’s not selfish to take care of yourself. The more energy you put into taking care of yourself, the more energy you’ll have to give and to take care of others.” – Andy Storch
“You can go through immense amounts of tragedy and still have joy at the end of the road.” – Rev. Jayson Derowitsch
Put yourself out there because people can’t find you and your work if you don’t.
“I am a true ghostwriter because I’m writing my dead husband’s stories.” – Sahara Foley
“If you want to find the happiest place on the planet, believe it or not, it’s the pocket of twitter where the authors hang out. Especially the fiction writers.” - Catherine Saykaly-Stevens
“Worrying will get you absolutely nowhere.” – Hank Phillippi Ryan
“First things first, don’t get bogged down in all the books and how-tos. Write the book and hit the end.” – Ann Charles