“The sooner we can learn to embrace change, the better off we’ll be for everything that’s going to happen from here on out.” – Monica Ortega
“Don’t Lip Sync through life.” – Jim Knight
“If you are looking at claiming the name Christian but never accepting the trials and tribulations, you’ve gotta give the name Christian back.” – Julie Carrick
“Serve someone today and figure out how that looks like in your community.” – Renee Lopez
“We are grains of sand on God’s beach acting like we are the ocean.” – Kim B. Miller
“To have a sense of humor is to be human.” – Art Bell
“When you put a book in someone’s hand, you’re opening up worlds to them.” – Mark Leslie
“Hire people that are smarter than you because you want people around you that are smart and can help you out along the way.” - Dr. Miguel Hernandez
“I used to get kicked out of school for talking. Now I get brought in and paid to talk in school.” - Thomas R. Williams
“Chill out a little on the professional life and focus more on life itself.” - Chris Humphreys
“Every day is a brick. Every day you are building a foundation that’s going to eventually get you to an expected end.” – Rennie Curran
“Be radical and revolutionary about self-care.” – Dr. Ro
“Knowledge in the head is useless you can actually do something with that knowledge” - Dr. Mansur Hasib
“If you can’t make people feel valued in your presence and people don’t want to be around you, you are not going to go very far very long.” – Dr. Lew Bayer
“Open up to the fact that you can really benefit from another person’s perspective.” – Jenny Landgren