"Life gets really boring if you don't challenge yourself to try something new." – Rod Bourn
"Don't allow fear to dictate your output." - Bridget Cook-Burch
“If you want to lead people. If you want people to buy into you, you have to have a strong sense of identity.” - Tom Kereszti
“If you're having a bad day, just have a great conversation. It costs nothing and anyone can do it." - Robin Dreeke
“Figure out what your passion is and live that passion. Your passions will change but embrace them.” – Scott White
“Honor the environment that you’re in.” - Katherine Lazaruk
"We have focused too much these days on instant success, like it's supposed to just happen, and it's supposed to be so easy, and it's just sort of like lightning just sort of strikes. And the plain fact is, it's mostly a lot of hard work." - Mari Anne Snow
"When you make a decision to change your thought process, your belief process, the people around you have two choices: they can either change also or they can accept that they're going to move further away from you." - Leslie Davis
"Calm is a superpower.” – Robin Sacks
“Let your growth be a lighthouse for others.” – Dominique “Dom” Brightmon
"Your podcast is a recipe, it's not a statue. You can change it later." – Dave Jackson
“Leverage what you already have, so you can get more of what you really want." – Dr. Noah St. John
“We sometimes don’t realize the beauty of ourselves when we only focus on this polished perfect facade that we are ready to show to the world.” - Kristina Mand-Lakhiani
"Our stories can go places we can never imagine." – Marsha Vanwynsberghe
"The quality of your life is going to be determined by the quality of questions that you ask." - Dr. Zayd Abdul-Karim