We attract what we are thinking about, vibrating about, working on, and putting energy into.
"If you've seen someone have success, then that's the greatest indicator that you can have it too." - Hilary DeCesare
"Shyness left when love came." – Dr. Victoria Rader
"Every step makes progress, and it doesn't matter how small." – Nikki Green
"Service to many leads to greatness." - Blaine Oelkers
"The more you can make it easy for people, the more likely people are to do it." - Julia Goldstein, PhD
“Kids rise or fall based on your expectation." - Dr. Danny Brassell
"Connect your actions to your passions." – Kelly Smith
"Being unique and authentic comes with a price." – Kelly Swanson
"Search inward. The outward stuff means nothing." – Diane Hatz
"Flexibility is an important key to kindness and success." - Jill Lublin
“Sales hasn’t changed in 100 years or more.” – Thomas Ellis
"Every reader has more books than they will read in their lifetime, and they will still buy more books today." - Honorée Corder
"Just like in marriage, scorekeeping is not the way to go about life." – Chris Tuff
"Writing is an endurance sport." - Amelia Forczak