“I like to evoke empathy in kids.” – Aruna Lepore
Listen to your heart.
“Anybody that has a desire to write can write a good book with the right guidance.” - Michele Chynoweth
“Sometimes just the way you share something can make an impact.” - Amy Scruggs
“We all have some power, we have different gifts, and we are meant to explore them.” – Jennifer Alemany
“You can’t put a black and white roadmap on grief.” – Emily Johnson
“The bigger celebrity you become, the better results everybody gets.” – Clint Arthur
“The light I bring makes a lasting difference whether great or small.” - Rev. Dr. Stephanie Red Feather
“If I surprise myself, then I’m going to surprise my readers.” - Robert P. French Today’s featured bestselling author is a former computer geek turned actor, Robert P. French. Robert and I chat about his thriller crime fictio...
“Acquiring knowledge is your right.” - Shonda Buchanan Today’s featured author is educator, culturalist, award-winning poet, literary activist, and world traveler, Shonda Buchanan. Shonda and I have a fun-filled chat about he...
When it comes to decisions, start with your heart but a couple of seconds later use your brain.
Reading opens up for doors than you think and has so many benefits.
“Everyone has a creative spark inside of them.” - Dr. Farah Jasmine Griffin
Be compassionate to others and have a well of grace for ourselves.
“The time is going to go no matter what you do so you might as well spend it doing something interesting.” – Dr. Guy Windsor