“Don’t be scared of your stories” – Brianne Davis
“Everyday broaden the level of your understanding.” - Chancellor K. Jackson
“You can glow once again.” - Laura Formentini
“Adversity is not forever.” – Mehdi Bouneb
“In writing, you find your voice.” – Donna Conrad
Writing is amazing and can be done at almost any age.
Sometimes it pays to slow down and listen.
“Email is for closers.” – Cat Rambo
“Make your dream part of your schedule.” – Kelly Hopkins
“There’s magic when you develop a rhythm and roll with it.” – Rick Lozano
“You don’t do inclusion, you create inclusion.” – Annemarie Shrouder
“Stay true to your own voice as an author.” – Anna J. Walner
We all need people to help us rise above the mayhem.
“No two authors out there have the same pathway to being published or successful.” – Kristi Charish
“Focus on producing a work of quality that will stand the test of time.” - Marilyn Kriete