“We have to be wise when we have dreams that are important to us.” – Charlotte Friborg
“Mini Meg was all about making books out of construction paper. I chose this path, and it's led me to a lot of really cool places and to meeting really amazing people.” – Meg Jerit
"We're a society of people that, in general, try to help other people, and that makes us very vulnerable." - Rox Burkey
"Instead of complaining, though it felt good to complain and moan and groan and kind of wallow in our misery of not getting published, we decided to sort of funnel that energy into something positive." – Rachael Mitchell
“Silence speaks and when we're willing to sit with ourselves, we have everything we need inside to have the best life imaginable.” – Dee Delaney
"Respect needs to become a required standard in all homes." – Sabrina Osso
"The process of writing was very therapeutic for me. I'm a busy person, always doing, doing, doing, and when I was writing, I was in this place of meditation." - Dr. Audrey Birnbaum
“Don't carry into tomorrow the things that have hurt you and weighed you down for today. Learn, take from it what you need, but let the rest go. You're too precious and too valuable to have your back broken by burdens you are not meant to bear." – Katherine Norland
"When you start to write, you're almost opening up this magic chest, gaining access to different parts of your brain that may not be available to you when you're speaking." - Lâle Davidson
"I just started writing and next thing you know I have a manuscript in front of me." - Marianna Buffolino
“After speaking to the teacher…she made me realize that it is possible, just as long as I'm willing to keep honing my craft, taking rejections well, and just keep going.” – Liv Arnold
“Start doing things and figure out what it is that you want to do that leans into your creativity.” – Rella B.
“You have to create an undying, almost unrealistic belief in yourself.” – Eliot Marshall
"I was meant to be given this gift to share for others to heal. My challenge was cancer, but everybody has a challenge, whether it's death, divorce, changing careers, disease, and it's all meant for our own healing.” – Jennifer Greenhut
“Connect you to all of you.” - Janell Warkentin