Always seek to be in a room where you are not the smartest so your knowledge and experience can expand. Today's featured bestselling author is fellow podcaster, entrepreneur and speaker, Paul Edwards. Paul and I talk about his book, effectively...
Always seek to be in a room where you are not the smartest so your knowledge and experience can expand. Today's featured bestselling author is fellow podcaster, entrepreneur and speaker, Paul Edwards. Paul and I talk about hi...
“Know what you don’t know and figure out how to get it.” - Kenneth Aldrich Todays featured bestselling author is serial entrepreneur and funder of seed-stage companies, Kenneth Aldrich. Ken and I talk about his book, the powe...
“Know what you don’t know and figure out how to get it.” - Kenneth Aldrich Todays featured bestselling author is serial entrepreneur and funder of seed-stage companies, Kenneth Aldrich. Ken and I talk about his book, the power of language...
“Know what you don’t know and figure out how to get it.” - Kenneth Aldrich Todays featured bestselling author is serial entrepreneur and funder of seed-stage companies, Kenneth Aldrich. Ken and I talk about his book, the powe...
“You can’t call something a distraction unless you know what it’s distracting you from” - Nir Eyal Today's featured Wall Street Journal bestselling author is speaker, consultant, and active investor in habit-forming technolog...
“You can’t call something a distraction unless you know what it’s distracting you from” - Nir Eyal Today's featured Wall Street Journal bestselling author is speaker, consultant, and active investor in habit-forming technologies, Nir...
“You can’t call something a distraction unless you know what it’s distracting you from” - Nir Eyal Today's featured Wall Street Journal bestselling author is speaker, consultant, and active investor in habit-forming technolog...
“You cannot go to divorce court with your body.” - Kimberly Spencer Today's featured bestselling author is fellow Virgo podcast host, award-winning high-performance coach, and health junkie, Kimberly Spencer. Kim and I talk a...
“You cannot go to divorce court with your body.” - Kimberly Spencer Today's featured bestselling author is fellow Virgo podcast host, award-winning high-performance coach, and health junkie, Kimberly Spencer. Kim and I talk a...
“You cannot go to divorce court with your body.” - Kimberly Spencer
You are what you think about all the time. Today's featured author is fellow coach and speaker, Emmanuel Ekuvero. Emmanuel and I talk about his life story, his upcoming book and tons more! Key Takeaways: Low self-esteem can m...
You are what you think about all the time. Today's featured author is fellow coach and speaker, Emmanuel Ekuvero. Emmanuel and I talk about his life story, his upcoming book and tons more! Key Takeaways: Low self-esteem can make you a...
You are what you think about all the time. Today's featured author is fellow coach and speaker, Emmanuel Ekuvero. Emmanuel and I talk about his life story, his upcoming book and tons more! Key Takeaways: Low self-esteem can m...
Over 300 manuscript rejections can build resilience. Today's featured local author is mental health advocate, Dwayne Jenkins. Dwayne and I talk about what inspired his published book, overcoming rejection from multiple publis...
Over 300 manuscript rejections can build resilience. Today's featured local author is mental health advocate, Dwayne Jenkins. Dwayne and I talk about what inspired his published book, overcoming rejection from multiple publis...
Over 300 manuscript rejections can build resilience. Today's featured local author is mental health advocate, Dwayne Jenkins. Dwayne and I talk about what inspired his published book, overcoming rejection from multiple publishing companies, and...
Complacency, fear and bad habits hold you back from success. Today's featured bestselling author is Founder & President of , David Riklan. David and I talk about what led him to create his company, and the laws...
Complacency, fear and bad habits hold you back from success. Today's featured bestselling author is Founder & President of , David Riklan. David and I talk about what led him to create his company, and the laws...
Complacency, fear and bad habits hold you back from success. Today's featured bestselling author is Founder & President of , David Riklan. David and I talk about what led him to create his company, and the laws that make up the two...
Be mindful of your passion, purpose and promise. Today's featured author is certified professional coach and retired FBI unicorn, Dr. Rhonda Glover. Dr. Rhonda and I talk about her new career since retiring from the FBI, hav...
Be mindful of your passion, purpose and promise. Today's featured author is certified professional coach and retired FBI unicorn, Dr. Rhonda Glover. Dr. Rhonda and I talk about her new career since retiring from the FBI, hav...
Be mindful of your passion, purpose and promise. Today's featured author is certified professional coach and retired FBI unicorn, Dr. Rhonda Glover. Dr. Rhonda and I talk about her new career since retiring from the FBI, having a growth...
“The world has a weird way of introducing you to individuals.” - David Ritz Today's featured bestselling & award-winning author is ghostwriter, biographer, and lyricist, David Ritz. David and I talk about selling yourself and...