“If you write for 15 minutes a day, you can get out about 250 words. In 200 days, that's 50,000 words. That's a book. So, where were you 200 days ago?” – Sam Bennett
“What you want to achieve is what you should be going for.” – Ken Williams
“When you are working on your own, you just have to make sure that you do the behind the scenes things that need to be done to create your own success.” – Lois Creamer
“Clarity is an elimination game.” – Murielle Marie Ungricht
“One of the things I've learned over the years is how to delegate, how to say no because when you're a doer, you get asked to do more, and we really need to be bold to say no.” – Ben Glass
“Spend your days focusing on what's needed, not what's normal.” – Erin Hatzikostas
“If you focus so much in life on just trying to make a living, you wake up and retire and realize you haven't lived at all.” – Cliff Beach
"Trust that you are worthy to be seen." – Dr. Nicole Janz
“If you want better sleep, treat yourself right. Be your own best friend.” – Dr. Stacey Duckett
"You don't know who needs to hear what you've written." – Stephanie Feger
"If you don't define to yourself what your goals are, you're going to end up serving someone else's goals, and that happens to a lot of people." – Dr. Michelle Rozen
"Everything happens for a reason, and everything will make sense at some point, because everything you're going through, good or bad, serves you in the end." – Christine Michaelis
"Contemplative thought is the key to solving really hard problems, and you cannot rush that." – John Rossman
“Remember how powerful you are and that you really can do anything you decide is important enough and achieve whatever you deem worthy.” – Kate Eckman
"I'm only positive because I got knocked down so hard a few different times in my life.” – Kate McKay