"We are sending an image of ourselves through our words." - Erin Lebacqz
"Working hard and really putting in the effort and training yourself to be what you want to be can yield the results that you want." – Steph Katzovi
“You are a lot more fortunate than everybody in the cemetery.” - Joe De Sena
“Worrying is a down payment on a problem you may never have.” – Allison Graham
"When we own what's unique about us, it really helps us see what other people are good at without the confidence-killing effects of compare and despair." - Kelli Rae Thompson
"Fear kills fun." – Mike Montague
"Don't allow fear to dictate your output." - Bridget Cook-Burch
“Figure out what your passion is and live that passion. Your passions will change but embrace them.” – Scott White
"We have focused too much these days on instant success, like it's supposed to just happen, and it's supposed to be so easy, and it's just sort of like lightning just sort of strikes. And the plain fact is, it's mostly a lot of hard work." - Mari Anne Snow
"Calm is a superpower.” – Robin Sacks
“Let your growth be a lighthouse for others.” – Dominique “Dom” Brightmon
"If you've seen someone have success, then that's the greatest indicator that you can have it too." - Hilary DeCesare
"Service to many leads to greatness." - Blaine Oelkers
"Every reader has more books than they will read in their lifetime, and they will still buy more books today." - Honorée Corder
"Discontent is the cousin of covet." – Erin Harrigan