"Introvert is not a get out of jail free card to avoid hearing your voice, nor is it just a more academic-sounding vocabulary word as a synonym for shy." - Dr. Laura Sicola
“You are a lot more fortunate than everybody in the cemetery.” - Joe De Sena
“All the power that you need, all the confidence, all the badassery that you need to live your most best life, your most confident life, your most powerful life is already within you." - Jennifer Cassetta
"Service to many leads to greatness." - Blaine Oelkers
"Each person is gift-wrapped for the world." – Dea Irby
"Every reader has more books than they will read in their lifetime, and they will still buy more books today." - Honorée Corder
“Motion creates momentum.” – Len Tran
Be real with yourself.
“Figure out who you want to be in the end” - Nathaniel A. Turner, JD
“Find ways to be powerful and compassionate together.” - Charles Matheus
“Your voice makes a difference.” - Eliana Gilad
“Autonomy is one of the underappreciated aspects of well-being.” – Leanne Spencer
“My daily rituals awaken me to what's possible.” – Donna Maltz
“You can’t publish a book you haven’t written.” – Chandler Bolt
“Be the person who illuminates.” - Susan RoAne