“Most people think that mentors don't get anything out of it, but if you've ever given someone a gift that they've unwrapped and they have really loved it, it's exactly what they wanted and needed, the joy that you feel—that's what mentoring feels like.” – Dr. Deborah Heiser
“Even when we're closed-minded, we should never stop being open-hearted.” – Justin Jones-Fosu
“Don't waste time being something that you think people want you to be. Go ahead and do your own thing.” – Mark Reid J.D.
“Clarity is an elimination game.” – Murielle Marie Ungricht
“Spend your days focusing on what's needed, not what's normal.” – Erin Hatzikostas
"I started to behave like the person that I needed to become to be my future self, and that was someone of greater confidence." – Emily Jaenson
“If this is the next 30 years of your life, is this enough?” – Genevieve Piturro
“Slow down and appreciate every single moment and every interaction you have.” – Dr. Michelle Maidenberg
"If you don't define to yourself what your goals are, you're going to end up serving someone else's goals, and that happens to a lot of people." – Dr. Michelle Rozen
“When you really understand how to program your mind, the amount of being able to just enjoy life is incredible.” – Brandy Gillmore
“If you can start, you're ahead of 90% of authors who have an idea and never do a d*mn thing with it. Just start.” - Henna Pryor
"Respect needs to become a required standard in all homes." – Sabrina Osso
"Detours are not dead ends." – Annie Meehan
“Remember how powerful you are and that you really can do anything you decide is important enough and achieve whatever you deem worthy.” – Kate Eckman
“You have to create an undying, almost unrealistic belief in yourself.” – Eliot Marshall