“All students and families are looking for the same three things. And what that is, is to feel respected, accepted, and admired.” – Andrea Bitner
“Most of our life is created from the thoughts we don’t hear.” - Dr. Alison J. Kay
“Music has so much to do with familiarity.” - Melanie Safka
“Try not to worry other people think and get your work out there as much as possible.” – Nicole Haldoupis
Put yourself out there because people can’t find you and your work if you don’t.
“I am a true ghostwriter because I’m writing my dead husband’s stories.” – Sahara Foley
“Everything is temporary. The good, the bad, the ugly and the beautiful are temporary.” – Miranda Oh
“Worrying will get you absolutely nowhere.” – Hank Phillippi Ryan
“First things first, don’t get bogged down in all the books and how-tos. Write the book and hit the end.” – Ann Charles
“Your true potential is a lot more than what you think it is now.” – Geo Derice
Great ideas come to you while you are in motion.
“Good ethics is good business.” - Rabbi Yonason Goldson
“Everybody has a story. Everybody’s life is interesting.” – Bob Brill
“If you are not into shameless self-promotion, don’t write a book.” – Jim Christina
Never hesitate to start a good habit as soon as possible.