"Just like in marriage, scorekeeping is not the way to go about life." – Chris Tuff
Find something that you like to do, get really good at it, and then stick to it.
Is your idea a good idea or a God idea?
“Motion creates momentum.” – Len Tran
“Listen and be open to what’s around you because there is always a reason.” - Lynn McLaughlin
Leaders of the future know how to shift other people’s thinking and positively influence others.
Sometimes when things slow down or come to a screeching halt, it’s time to go within.
“The more I try to lean in to follow Jesus, the more exciting my life gets.” – Susan Gabriel
“It’s amazing when the world stops, what comes out.” – Angela Todd
Don’t waste your years by staying fearful and keeping yourself away from living your dreams.
We all need a mortality check from time to time to get our stories out there.
“You can have a great twist, you can have a scary atmosphere, but it’s the characters that you have to bring to life in order for a book to work.” - Jerry Roth
“Creativity is a tool to get through life happier and healthier.” – Mary Potter Kenyon
“You don’t ask, you don’t get.” – Victoria Pelletier
“Surround yourself with people that are doing what you want to do, and you can do it too.” - Zeona McIntyre