"Introvert is not a get out of jail free card to avoid hearing your voice, nor is it just a more academic-sounding vocabulary word as a synonym for shy." - Dr. Laura Sicola
"We are sending an image of ourselves through our words." - Erin Lebacqz
"Luck is the ability to take the correct action in an opportunity." - Victoria M. Gallagher
“We wanted to do something that created a personal impact for women and men, and that's where our book kind of bloomed out of.” – Lisa Cox
"Once I changed my relationship with myself, from not liking who I was to accepting and changing what didn't work for me, it changed my relationships with everyone else." – Martin Salama
"You don't regret the things that you did; you regret the things you never did.” – Magda Kay
“Morning pages saved my writing life.” - Liz Mugavero
“You are worth every single minute you put into yourself and your health” – Pam Sherman
“Business leaders or organizational leaders tend to think that the goal of appreciation is just to make people feel good…and that's good. We want that to happen. But really, the main goal is to create a functional, effective organization.” – Dr. Paul White
"Improv is play, it's playing as an adult with everything … it's in a supportive place and there's not really many places where you can just go hey how's it going? I'm a robot and I got sausages for hands and everyone's going to agree with you." – Keith Saltojanes
“It's selfish if you don't become the best version of you for other people.” – Kevin Dupree
“Sometimes when you are a high achiever, you wait for a big win, and we really need to celebrate these smaller wins that happen along the way.” – Neelu Kaur
“Through drumming, I found my voice in many different ways.” – Clementine Moss
"Working hard and really putting in the effort and training yourself to be what you want to be can yield the results that you want." – Steph Katzovi
“Email is still king in terms of getting a hold of people. Second only to texting a person on their personal phone number…if you're giving somebody your email address, that means you're serious about what they've got, and that's a responsibility that people need to take very seriously.” - Stephanie…