We are all called to a purpose and taking care of your body helps you fulfill that purpose. Today's featured bestselling authors and the 1st couple ever featured on this podcast are Dr. Eric & Sabrina Ann Zielinski. This fun episode...
“If you don’t know your value, you’re always going to give a discount.” - William Winfield Today's featured author is fellow certified empowerment speaker, minister, author and CEO of WAR (We Are Royalty), William Winfield. Will...
There’s somebody waiting to hear YOUR message from YOU.
"Bad leaders teach us what not to do." - Kevin Wayne Johnson Today's featured bestselling author is a fellow certified John Maxwell Team Coach, Speaker and Trainer, Kevin Wayne Johnson. Kevin and I talk about 3 characteristics that every...
“Teaching is not for the weak at heart.” - Brian D. Neal Today’s featured author is teacher, entrepreneur, and former DJ, Brian Neal. Brian and I talk about his 23 years of teaching experience, how hip hop influenced his teaching style,...
"People want to help other people." - Dr. Elizabeth Carter, DTM Today's featured bestselling author is experienced finance professional, professional speaker, distinguished Toastmaster and corporate trainer, Dr. Elizabeth Carter, DTM. Dr....
“Every book that I do has a purpose in mind.” - Nancy Solari
“Are you working with people that compliment you or complicate you in your business?” - Jen Du Plessis Today's featured bestselling author is fellow podcast host, and multiple time top 200 Loan Originators in the U.S., Jennifer Du...
“Gratitude is one of the most scientifically proven effective things you can do to lift yourself up and it’s absolutely free.” - Jane Ransom Today's featured author is TEDx speaker and coach Jane Ransom. Jane and I have a fun-filled chat talking...
“Trust the process of life more.” - Lynn Reilly
“God does give you more than you can handle because if you feel if you can handle everything that comes your way, you are never going to need God.” - Daniel Gomez Today's featured bestselling author is confidence coach, keynote...
“When you speak to people, you speak in terms of vision, you speak in terms of potential, and you speak in terms of where you want them to be" - Andres Valdes Todays featured bestselling author is leadership advisor, speaker and American...
“Everything is a lot of work.” - Pamela Hilliard Owens
"My business was my first child.” - Julia Carlson
“We are our own unique package.” - Jim Phillips Today's featured author is speaker and L.I.F.E. Strategist, Jim Phillips. Jim and I dive deeper into his book where we discuss what it means to live your life in full...