“If you want to find the happiest place on the planet, believe it or not, it’s the pocket of twitter where the authors hang out. Especially the fiction writers.” - Catherine Saykaly-Stevens
“Worrying will get you absolutely nowhere.” – Hank Phillippi Ryan
Consciously build your business with quality and not just pure entertainment unless you are in the entertainment business.
“First things first, don’t get bogged down in all the books and how-tos. Write the book and hit the end.” – Ann Charles
“Your true potential is a lot more than what you think it is now.” – Geo Derice
“You can’t be bad at meditation.” – Blake Bauer
“You have no limits except the ones that you believe in.” – Hale Dwoskin
“A system is the process of predictably achieving a goal based on a logical and specific set of how-to principles.” - Bob Burg
“My work gives me life.” – Rodney C. Burris
“We are better friends to other people than we are to ourselves.” - Dr. LaMarr Darnell Shields
Showcase how you can break barriers down as a communicator when authentically networking with others.
“Breathing is a luxury, don’t take it for granted.” – Sandra Rinomato
“What I choose to think, speak, and believe will show up for me in my reality.” - Kim O'Neill
“Failure is the greatest resource on the planet.” – Col. George A. Milton
“No matter what you attract in accomplishments, it means nothing unless you build your life around who will be crying at your funeral.” – Simon T. Bailey