“You don’t suck, you’re just stuck.” – Traci Duez
“Writing and speaking go hand in hand. If you write well, you’re going to get speaking opportunities. If you speak well, you’re going to get writing opportunities.” – Rick Chromey
“Slow down to the speed of connection.” – David Wood
“Titles don’t mean anything. Actions mean everything.” – Shawn Nason
“Money is the number one excuse human beings give for anything we can’t have, do, or be.” – Morgana Rae
“You can’t get to the next place with the same connections you have today.” – Kym Glass
“IQ gets you in the door. EQ gets you up the ladder.” – Dr. Irvine Nugent
“We need to treat ourselves like someone we love.” – Pamela Gort
“The richest information is where you ask.” - Carole Stizza
“Re-evaluate and question your truth. Don’t fall into the trap of believing the truth other people have told you.” - Mischelle O’Neal
“When I train people, my job is to make it too expensive for them to go to work anymore.” – Tom Antion
“Give yourself the gift of solitude to masterfully serve the multitude.” – Dom Brightmon
“We are the gatekeepers of our mental and emotional state.” - Lori Ann Spagna
“Faith erases anxious reactions” – Lynda Sunshine West
“Stop talking yourself out of things and start talking yourself into things.” - Jennifer Lieberman