“If you’re not going for the thing that’s going to bring the most value into the world, then why we’re doing it?” – Tracy Hazzard
“Acquiring knowledge is your right.” - Shonda Buchanan Today’s featured author is educator, culturalist, award-winning poet, literary activist, and world traveler, Shonda Buchanan. Shonda and I have a fun-filled chat about he...
“Your view of your parents changes as soon as you have to go through the motions of life the way they did.” - Névine Zariffa
“Lead and care are replacing command and control.” – Thomas Gelmi
“God can use evil in our lives to bring good.” – Marnie Swedberg
“Good communication almost solves absolutely everything.” – Belinda Ellsworth
“The greatness we see in others is really just the greatness we have in ourselves.” – Kelly Trach
“We need solutions. We don’t need kinda sortas.” – Adam C. Hall
“Legitimate journalism still exists.” – Tyler Hendon
“The people who carry happy money are generally nice, generous, happy people.” – Ken Honda
You are smarter than you think you are and asking questions is the best way to learn.
“Listen deeply and listen to connect because most of your success or failure depends on the quality of your relationships.” – Frank Zaccari
“We’re here to collaborate and complement, not compete.” – Genesis Amaris Kemp
“The dream does not include 4 hours of television per day.” - Hayk Tadevosyan
“The acme of leadership is being able to unlock the power of collective impact.” – Brandon Wilson