"When you rely on a bookstore to generate your business, you don’t have power.” - Jonathan Green
“Every little bit of improvement will make a difference.” - Emily Gold Mears
“You don’t have to impact a lot of people to impact a lot of people.” – Merit Kahn
When you teach, you’re often leaning more than your students.
“No matter what you are putting out there in the world, just know that somebody needs you to do that and you got to be brave enough to do it.” - Michelle Nedelec
“Love allows people to have opinions that are not yours.” - Kim Sorrelle
“Businesses that are inspired and well thought out, those succeed. Businesses that you think about and are just ideas in your head usually fall apart.” – Vickie Helm
“Don’t let people tell you what you can’t do. They’ll tell you what they can’t do or what they think they can’t do.” – Simon Leslie
“Fear is one of the greatest barriers that we have.” – Shiva Kumar
“People love people who are good listeners.” – Sarah Elkins
“The mind is a powerful tool and too many of us are not enough attention to it.” - Dr. Gregory Scott Brown
“You may not control if you get all the answers right but you can control your readiness.” - Charles Schultz
“Keep going and don’t stop because you don’t know where you’re going to land.” - Pennie Crockett
“You cannot fix what you don’t measure.” - Zach Westerbeck
“Autonomy is one of the underappreciated aspects of well-being.” – Leanne Spencer