“Save your marriage before it starts.” - William Edward Turner
“I want each book to be better than the last one.” – Rachael Tamayo
“Be radical and revolutionary about self-care.” – Dr. Ro
“You’ll find out a lot about a person when you tell them no.” – Kelly Smith
“Knowledge in the head is useless you can actually do something with that knowledge” - Dr. Mansur Hasib
“No one knows how many tomorrows remain for any of us.“ – Darius Bradley Sr.
“Open up to the fact that you can really benefit from another person’s perspective.” – Jenny Landgren
Always pay attention to your inner voice.
“A word can change everything in your moment, and it can make you go from disempowered to empowered.” – Mary E. Jackson
“Write what you know. Write what you know well.” – Jerry Harwood
“With technology, things are changing so fast that the skills and knowledge you had even a month ago may not be enough for you to do the job today or tomorrow.” – Andrew Freedman
When your faith is tested, stay focused and continue to aim high.
“All students and families are looking for the same three things. And what that is, is to feel respected, accepted, and admired.” – Andrea Bitner
“Most of our life is created from the thoughts we don’t hear.” - Dr. Alison J. Kay
“The Sale is Not Complete Until the Money is in the Bank!” – Dee Bowden