Don’t waste your years by staying fearful and keeping yourself away from living your dreams.
“It’s not going to kill you to actually look at something that hurts in your life.” – Mandy Capehart
“Pain does not have to have the final answer when God is involved.” – Emily Bernath
“Creativity is a tool to get through life happier and healthier.” – Mary Potter Kenyon
“Even if you’re not a writer, write your life story because you’ll learn so much.” – Debra Holz
“Stop apologizing for shining your light brightly.” - Seana Zelazo
"It is our relationship with ourselves that determines the kind of relationships we have with others." - Tracy Secombe
“Every time you say should, you shame yourself.” - Nicole Kerr
“It takes a lot of courage to live a path led by the heart.” - Ulrika Karlsson
“Use setbacks as a learning tool.” – Amanda Kate
“Have the courage to follow your gift.” – Dr. Paul Hannah
“People use the scriptures to get married but they don’t use it to stay married.” – Larkin Weber
“I control the input; God controls the impact.” - Cory Carlson
“Before you participate in anything, do your research.” - Susan McCeldry
“The worse thing you can do is give people a message and not give them what the next steps are.” - B. Keith Haney