"I truly had a radical healing by a radical God." - Sharon Hughes
"Make a courageous decision to live your life to the fullest. You're the only one who can make that choice." – Clint Hatton
“Show up as who you were created to be.” – Teresa Velardi
"Don't be afraid to shine, and don't be afraid to get your book out there and let it make a difference in people's lives." - Kim Thompson-Pinder
“Bad things happen to good people, but it's really how you deal with that adversity and overcome it.” - G.S. Gerry
"Equality in the realm of relationships is the kiss of death.” - Andre Paradis
“This earthly walk we're on is not for the faint of heart. And, you know, not always the easiest, softer way. I think I'm going to read the fine print when I come in next time.” – Susan Gold
"Don't allow fear to dictate your output." - Bridget Cook-Burch
"Our heart is our GPS system." - Tracey Whittet
“I was inspired to write this children's book that I didn't come up with…God sent it to me as an answer to my own prayers.” – Colleen Faul
“If you want to lead people. If you want people to buy into you, you have to have a strong sense of identity.” - Tom Kereszti
“If you want to be a writer, you just have to write. If you want to be an artist, you just have to make art. If you want to be a singer, sing. We can find our passions and we can do what we want to do.” - JoAnna Baanana
"When you make a decision to change your thought process, your belief process, the people around you have two choices: they can either change also or they can accept that they're going to move further away from you." - Leslie Davis
"Having stories like this supports others to not be afraid of being controlled by other things in their life." - Gina Lobito
"The quality of your life is going to be determined by the quality of questions that you ask." - Dr. Zayd Abdul-Karim