“You should always be going towards something, not running away from something. Running away is fear-driven; going towards is more self-driven.” – Scott Maderer
"Stop believing your feelings and believe your intuition instead." – Joanna Armstrong
“It's never a failure if you keep learning from what you have done before. They're all just learning opportunities that we all have.” – Randy Adkins Jr., DTM
"Inner wealth Is so much more important than the outer wealth. The outer wealth will be a byproduct of loving yourself and extending the same unconditional love that God gives us." – Julia Carlson
“If you focus so much in life on just trying to make a living, you wake up and retire and realize you haven't lived at all.” – Cliff Beach
“When things are in your head, you're thinking about them. You know, you come to conclusions about things, but when it's outside of you and you're looking at it, it becomes more objective.” – Dana Diaz
“Being forced to talk to other people allowed me to find this other part of myself that I didn't know existed.” – Kirsten Rudberg
"I learned that I can literally do anything that I put my mind to, but I can't do everything, and I had to be okay with that." – Chloe Panta
"I distinctly remember at one point, I wasn't really praying in a dedicated prayer space, but I said, 'Alright, God, I don't think I have a story, but you called me to this, so let me just start writing and see what comes out.'" – Amy Vogel
“You're not going to be happy every single day, but it's part of the human experience and it makes life meaningful." – Megan Conner
“Everyone really has the ability to be their healthiest and their happiest. And it can be enjoyable to get there.” – Deborah Charnes
"You don't know who needs to hear what you've written." – Stephanie Feger
"I was quiet and not wanting to share because it was some tragedy that happened in my life, and I didn't want to remember that. And looking back on that now, 12 plus years later, after that decade of silence, so to speak, I realized that this is God's story that he specifically gave to me." – Morga…
" When you're eating for emotional reasons, you're eating because you're escaping how you feel." – Molly Zemek
“For her to stand out that much, to be mentioned in mostly a patriarchal view of that time, she had to be exceptional. She had to be courageous and strong and intelligent and dynamic to make an impression on these people that have lasted for 2,000 years.” - Donna D. Conrad