“Voice is the most valued part of yoga. How you communicate and how you are received and heard as a student, as a teacher, as a divine human being. When your voice has not been heard, how does one open this channel? Yes, chanting for sure. Yet a deeper exploration has to be heard from within, a lon…
“Listen to that voice of intuition and prioritize it like never before.” – Joy Giovanni
“The stories can either bind us, or we can use them to create magic.” – Judy Koons
“The motivation that gets you started is going to leave. If you're just stuck by the feeling of, ‘Oh man, I want to feel motivated,’ you're not going to finish anything. You have to stay disciplined and committed.” – Craig Stilley
“Mindfulness doesn’t take much time, just that permission and willingness to take some time for yourself and love yourself enough to give yourself your own inspiration.” – Jenny Garufi
"You can't put a price tag on peace of mind." – Julie Coraccio
“I would much rather be someone who quits something that's not aligned than someone who spends 40 years doing a job that doesn't fill my soul.” – Alysia Lyons
“If Jesus hadn't saved me that day, I wouldn't be here today, six decades later. He is really the only friend I ever had, the only love I ever knew.” – Andi Buerger, JD
“I know books change people's lives, and I know that firsthand because a book changed my life.” – Terry Whalin
“When I'm writing, characters come into the book that I hadn't planned for, and they just pop in and insist on being part of the story. Out of the mess comes the magic, and out of the mess comes the beauty.” – Kae Wagner
"I saw people in their apocalypse, their version of the apocalypse. They not only survived it, but they did so with hope and with courage, forgiving each other and working together across the lines where they normally would have been at odds." – C.C. Robinson
“Pursue your dreams. Don’t allow anyone, not even yourself, to take that away from you.” – Dr. Michael D. Finkley
“I knew at 48 that the job was killing me, and if I stayed to 55, I didn't know if I would live to be 55.” – Tim Eggebraaten
“Don’t be afraid to be yourself.” – Carlos Baker
“Life's too serious to take seriously.” – Victor Acquista, M.D.